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I embody a client centred and individualised approach to intervention. My preference is to draw from a variety of evidence-based psychotherapies and brain change approaches as a way of allowing for the most resonant, comprehensive, and effective change for each individual.  


The approaches and techniques utilised will depend on each person and what feels the most supportive in their individualised experience. Such therapeutic approaches and relevant techniques may include:


  • Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)

  • Neuropsychology & associated brain techniques

  • Somatic Experiencing Therapy

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy 


My primary passion and area of interest is the resolution and processing (or reprocessing) of memory, which can be stored in the body, brain, and energetic systems leading to repetitive patterns in thought, emotion, and behaviour. We could refer to these unprocessed parts as trauma that then lead to frustrating, limiting, or unhelpful ways of behaving and being in the world. My preference in working with unprocessed memory is that it targets the underlying root of our challenges directly rather than managing symptoms on the surface.

Often, we can become stuck if there are fragmented pieces of information that need to be integrated more fully within the brain and body. In simple terms, we can find ourselves repeating the same patterns over and over again (e.g., relationship patterns, addictive behaviours, being triggered by daily events that we feel we want to have worked through by now...) until we address those unprocessed parts.


Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is one evidence-based approach that has been demonstrated to be effective in facilitating trauma resolution, building and enhancing resilience, and promoting personal growth. This is one of the modalities I provide and further information can be found on the EMDR page on this site. 


Somatic experiencing can often be incorporated into an EMDR session as a natural adjunct to the process that arises. Other therapeutic modalities and psychotherapies can also be utilised to enhance the assessment and identification of certain problematic patterns and experiences, whilst also highlighting what thriving looks like for you. 


Another therapy I offer is Havening (also known as Amygdala Depotentiation Therapy). This approach also targets the resolution and processing of memory, however, differs in how it approaches certain aspects of reprocessing and resolution. Please note that this is currently considered an alternative approach and does not fall under the umbrella of psychology. If this is your preferred modality, sessions are 90 minutes ($275) and are not rebated via Medicare. Further information can be observed at or via contact with myself directly. 
























Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology); Bachelor of Psychology (Honours); Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology with the College of Professional Psychology. 


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